
Featherweight Development Kit for entrecode APIs.

ec.fdk docs

npm i ec.fdk

There are 2 ways to use ec.fdk:

  • method chaining
  • act

Start by calling fdk with your environment (stage | live), then method chain your way to success:

import { fdk } from "ec.fdk";

fdk("stage") // choose stage environment
.dm("83cc6374") // select datamanager via short id
.model("muffin") // select model muffin
.entryList() // load entry list
.then((list) => {

See all functions in the Fdk reference.

The act function converts a single object param into a fetch request:

const muffins = await act({
action: "entryList",
env: "stage",
dmShortID: "83cc6374",
model: "muffin",

More in the act reference.

The act function is good to be used with swr or react-query:

import { act } from "ec.fdk";
import useSWR from "swr";

export function useFdk(config) {
const key = config ? JSON.stringify(config) : null;
return useSWR([key], () => act(config));

Then use the hook:

const config = {
env: "stage",
dmShortID: "83cc6374",

function App() {
const { data: entryList } = useFdk({
action: "entryList",
model: "muffin",
/* more stuff */

ec.fdk won't change / decorate data returned from ec APIs. For example, an entry returned from the datamanager will be returned as is. Advantages:

  • The network tab shows what goes into the frontend
  • Resources have the same shape everywhere
  • Resources are serializable

Instead of mutating an EntryResource and calling .save(), we now pass the new value directly:

// this does not exist anymore:
await; // <- DONT
// use this to update an entry:
await editEntryObject(entry, value); // <- DO
// alternatively:
await fdk.env(env).dm(dmShortID).model(model).updateEntry(entryID, value);
// or:
await act({ action: "editEntry", env, dmShortID, model, entryID, value });

Similar to save:

// this does not exist anymore:
await entry.del(); // <- DONT
// use this to delete an entry:
await deleteEntryObject(entry); // <- DO
// alternatively:
// or:
await act({ action: "deleteEntry", env, dmShortID, model, entryID });

In ec.fdk, entry asset fields are plain ids:

// assuming "photo" is an asset field:; // <-- this used to be an AssetResource. Now it's a plain id string.
// use this to get the embedded AssetResource:
getEntryAsset("photo", entry); // (no request goes out)
// assuming "lastSeen" is a datetime field:
entry.lastSeen; // <-- this used to be an instance of Date. Now it's a date ISO string
// use this to get a Date instance:
new Date(entry.lastSeen);
// ec.sdk
const api = new PublicAPI(shortID, env, true);
const entryList = await api.entryList(model);
const items = entryList.getAllItems();
const first = entryList.getFirstItem();
// ec.fdk
const api = fdk(env).dm(shortID);
const entryList = await api.entryList(model);
const items = entryList.items; // <------- change
const first = entryList.items[0]; // <------- change
// or in one line:
const entryList = await fdk(env).dm(shortID).entryList(model);

By default, the second param of ec.fdk entryList will just convert the object to url params:

const entryList = await fdk("stage")
.entryList({ createdTo: "2021-01-18T09:13:47.605Z" });

Read more in the entrecode filtering doc

There is some syntax sugar you can use to get the same behavior as ec.sdk filterOptions:

const entryList = await fdk("stage")
.entryList(filterOptions({ created: { to: "2021-01-18T09:13:47.605Z" } }));
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