




constructor(symbol: SymbolService, typeConfig: TypeConfigService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
symbol SymbolService No
typeConfig TypeConfigService No



regex for base64 uuid

Returns : RegExp
created(label: string, symbol: SymbolService)

returns the config for a created field

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value
label string No 'Date'
symbol SymbolService No
Returns : { label: string; sortable: boolean; view: string; display: any; group: any; form: boolean; immuta...
get(relationName: string)

Returns the CrudConfig for the given relation name.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
relationName string No

returns the config for a hexColor field

Returns : { label: string; view: string; prefill: string; }
Parameters :
Name Optional Default value
hideInList No true
set(relationName: string, config: CrudConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
relationName string No
config CrudConfig<Resource> No
Returns : ResourceConfig

returns regex for a shortID

Returns : RegExp
stringField(label, filterable, sortable)

returns the config for a string field

Parameters :
Name Optional Default value
label No
filterable No true
sortable No true
Returns : { label: any; view: string; filterable: boolean; sortable: boolean; }
tagsField(label, list)

returns the config for a tags field

Parameters :
Name Optional Default value
label No
list No true
Returns : { label: any; view: string; display: (value: any) => any; list: boolean; }

returns regex for a uuid

Returns : RegExp


Type : object
Default value : { dataManager: { defaultFilter: 'title', identifier: 'dataManagerID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'title', permissions: { post: 'dm-create', put: 'dm:<dataManagerID>:edit', delete: 'dm:<dataManagerID>:delete', get: true, }, fields: { hexColor: this.hexColor(), shortID: this.idField(), dataManagerID: this.idField(), title: Object.assign(this.stringField('Name'), { required: true }), description: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.description'), view: 'string', filterable: true, }, config: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'), view: 'json', list: false, immutable: true, }, defaultLocale: { list: false, immutable: true, }, locales: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.locales'), false), publicAssetRights: Object.assign( this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('datamanager.field.label.publicAssetRights'), false), { immutable: true }, ), rights: Object.assign(this.tagsField('rights', false), { immutable: true }), created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, model: { defaultFilter: 'title', identifier: 'modelID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'title', fields: { hexColor: this.hexColor(), title: Object.assign(this.stringField('Model'), { required: true }), description: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.description'), view: 'string', filterable: true, }, locales: { list: false, prefill: [], }, fields: { view: 'tags', display: (value) => { return (value || []).map((field) => field.title).filter((field) => field[0] !== '_'); }, prefill: [], }, titleField: { view: 'string', list: false, }, config: { list: false, view: 'json', }, hasEntries: { immutable: true, view: 'boolean', }, hooks: { display: (value) => { return (value || []).map((hook) => (hook.methods || []).join(', ')); }, view: 'tags', }, policies: { display: (value) => { return (value || []).map((policy) => policy.method); }, view: 'tags', }, sync: { list: false, view: 'json', immutable: true, }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, // ec accounts account: { identifier: 'accountID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'name', defaultFilter: 'email', permissions: { get: 'acc:list', put: 'acc:edit:<accountID>', }, fields: { name: this.stringField(this.symbol.resolve('')), email: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), view: 'string', filterable: true, sortable: true, }, hasPassword: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.password'), view: 'boolean', filterable: true, sortable: true, readOnly: true, }, hasPendingEmail: { label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.hasPendingEmail'), view: 'boolean', filterable: true, sortable: true, readOnly: true, }, language: { label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.language'), view: 'string', list: false, }, openID: { list: false, }, permissions: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.permissions'), false), groups: { label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.groups'), type: 'groups', input: AdminEntryInputComponent, list: false, display: (value) => (value ? => : []), }, state: { label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.state'), }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, dmAccount: { identifier: 'accountID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), defaultFilter: 'email', label: 'email', permissions: { get: 'acc:list', put: 'acc:edit:<accountID>', }, methods: ['get', 'put', 'delete'], fields: { accountID: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), view: 'string', hideInList: true, }, title: { view: 'string', label: 'Title', filterable: true, hideInList: true, }, email: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'), view: 'string', filterable: true, sortable: true, resolve: (body) => || body.accountID, }, hasPassword: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAccount.field.label.hasPassword'), view: 'boolean', filterable: true, readOnly: true, }, pending: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAccount.field.label.pending'), view: 'boolean', filterable: true, readOnly: true, }, oauth: { list: false, }, }, }, template: { identifier: 'templateID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), defaultFilter: 'name', label: 'name', permissions: { post: 'dm-template-create', get: 'dm-template:<templateID>:view', }, fields: { name: { label: this.symbol.resolve('template.field.label.template'), view: 'string', filterable: true, sortable: true, }, version: { label: this.symbol.resolve('template.field.label.version'), display: this.typeConfig.displayDate(), group: this.typeConfig.groupDate(), form: false, }, }, }, app: { defaultFilter: 'title', label: 'title', identifier: 'appID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), permissions: { post: 'app-create', delete: 'app:<appID>:delete', put: 'app:<appID>:edit', }, fields: { hexColor: this.hexColor(), shortID: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.shortID'), list: false, }, title: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), view: 'string', filterable: true, sortable: true, }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, platform: { identifier: 'platformID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'title', defaultFilter: 'title', fields: { title: { label: this.symbol.resolve('platform.field.label.platform'), view: 'string', }, platformType: { label: this.symbol.resolve('platform.field.label.platformType'), view: 'string', }, config: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'), view: 'json', list: false, }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, build: {}, deployment: {}, asset: { // old ec.asset identifier: 'assetID', label: 'title', defaultFilter: 'title', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), fields: { thumb: { form: false, label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.thumb'), view: 'preview', resolve: (asset) => { if (asset.type !== 'image') { return ''; } return asset.getImageUrl(200); }, immutable: true, }, assetID: { label: 'assetID', list: false, form: false, immutable: true, }, title: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'), view: 'string', classes: 'is-fit', sortable: true, filterable: true, }, files: { label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.files'), view: 'tag', form: false, display: (value) => value.length, immutable: true, }, type: { filterOperator: 'exact', form: false, immutable: true, }, tags: { ...this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.tags')), // input: TagSelectComponent, config: { label: 'tag', fields: { tag: {} }, }, filterOperator: 'any', filterable: true, }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, tags: { identifier: 'tag', label: 'tag', defaultFilter: 'tag', fields: { tag: { view: 'string', readOnly: true, sortable: true, filterable: true, }, count: { view: 'number', readOnly: true, create: false, sortable: true, }, }, }, legacyAsset: { // old public assets identifier: 'assetID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'title', defaultFilter: 'title', fields: { thumb: { form: false, label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.thumb'), view: 'preview', resolve: (asset) => { if (asset.type !== 'image') { return ''; } return asset.getImageUrl(200); }, immutable: true, }, assetID: { label: 'assetID', list: false, form: false, immutable: true, }, title: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'), view: 'string', sortable: true, filterable: true, }, files: { label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.files'), view: 'tag', form: false, display: (value) => value.length, immutable: true, }, type: { filterOperator: 'exact', form: false, immutable: true, }, tags: { ...this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.tags')), // input: TagSelectComponent, filterOperator: 'any', }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, // assetGroup: { identifier: 'assetGroupID', label: 'assetGroupID', defaultFilter: 'assetGroupID', fields: { assetGroupID: { label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.assetGroupID'), view: 'string', filterable: true, }, public: { view: 'boolean', prefill: false, }, settings: { view: 'json', display: (json) => JSON.stringify(json), prefill: {}, /* urlExpiration: string disabledTypes: Array<string> imageSizes: Array<integer> thumbSizes: Array<integer> */ }, policies: { view: 'tags', display: (policies) => (policies || []).map((p) => p.method), prefill: [], /* method: get, put, post, delete user: public, dmUser conditions: JSON or null ( */ }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, dmAsset: { // new assets identifier: 'assetID', identifierPattern: this.base64uuid(), label: 'title', defaultFilter: 'title', fields: { file: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.file'), display: (value) => value.url, view: 'preview', immutable: true, form: false, list: false, }, thumb: { form: false, list: true, label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.thumb'), view: 'preview', resolve: (asset) => { if (asset.type !== 'image' || !asset.thumbnails || !asset.thumbnails.length) { return ''; } return asset.thumbnails[0].url; }, immutable: true, }, assetID: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.assetID'), filterOperator: 'exact', hideInList: true, form: false, immutable: true }, title: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'), view: 'string', classes: 'is-fit', sortable: true, filterable: true, }, caption: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.caption'), hideInList: true, classes: 'is-fit', view: 'string', }, duplicates: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.duplicates'), view: 'number', list: false, form: false, }, thumbnails: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.thumbnails'), display: (values) => => value.url), list: false, form: false, }, type: { label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.type'), view: 'string', filterOperator: 'any', hideInList: true, classes: 'is-fit', immutable: true, form: false, }, tags: { label: 'tag', view: 'tags', filterOperator: 'any', hideInList: true, identifier: 'tag', methods: ['get'], defaultFilter: '', disableHeader: true, disableListPop: true, disableCreatePop: true, }, created: { ...this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), classes: 'is-fit', }, }, }, dmClient: { identifier: 'clientID', label: 'clientID', defaultFilter: 'clientID', fields: { clientID: { label: this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.clientID'), view: 'string', }, callbackURL: { label: this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.callbackURL'), view: 'string', }, tokenMethod: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.tokenMethod')), disableStrategies: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.disableStrategies')), created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, role: { identifier: 'roleID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'name', defaultFilter: 'name', fields: { name: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), view: 'string', filterable: true, sortable: true, }, label: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.label'), view: 'string', }, addRegistered: { label: this.symbol.resolve('role.field.label.addRegistered'), view: 'boolean', }, addUnregistered: { label: this.symbol.resolve('role.field.label.addUnregistered'), view: 'boolean', }, }, }, codeSource: { identifier: 'codeSourceID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), fields: { codeSourceID: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), }, codeSourceType: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.type'), view: 'tag', }, config: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'), list: false, }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, dataSource: { identifier: 'dataSourceID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), fields: { dataSourceID: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, target: { identifier: 'targetID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), fields: { targetType: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.type'), view: 'tag', }, config: { label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'), list: false, }, created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), }, }, group: { identifier: 'groupID', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'name', defaultFilter: 'name', fields: { name: { label: this.symbol.resolve(''), view: 'string', filterable: true, }, permissions: { view: 'tags', display: (value) => value || [], list: false, }, /* created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), */ }, }, invite: { identifier: 'invite', identifierPattern: this.uuid(), label: 'invite', defaultFilter: 'invite', fields: { invite: { view: 'string', filterable: true, }, permissions: { view: 'tags', }, groups: { view: 'tags', display: (group) => (group ? => : []), }, }, }, token: {}, }



Returns the whole resource-config, which maps a resource relation name to a CrudConfig.

Returns : literal type
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { SymbolService } from '@ec.components/ui';
import Resource from 'ec.sdk/lib/resources/Resource';
import { CrudConfig } from '../crud/crud-config.interface';
import { AdminEntryInputComponent } from '../entry-form/admin-entry-input.component';
import { TypeConfigService } from '../model-config/type-config.service';
// import { TagSelectComponent } from '../files/tag-select/tag-select.component';

/** Contains default configurations for all kinds of resources. Used by ResourceList and ResourceForm.  */
export class ResourceConfig {
  _config = {
    dataManager: {
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      identifier: 'dataManagerID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'title',
      permissions: {
        post: 'dm-create',
        put: 'dm:<dataManagerID>:edit',
        delete: 'dm:<dataManagerID>:delete',
        get: true,
      fields: {
        hexColor: this.hexColor(),
        shortID: this.idField(),
        dataManagerID: this.idField(),
        title: Object.assign(this.stringField('Name'), { required: true }),
        description: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.description'),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
        config: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'),
          view: 'json',
          list: false,
          immutable: true,
        defaultLocale: {
          list: false,
          immutable: true,
        locales: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.locales'), false),
        publicAssetRights: Object.assign(
          this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('datamanager.field.label.publicAssetRights'), false),
          { immutable: true },
        rights: Object.assign(this.tagsField('rights', false), { immutable: true }),
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    model: {
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      identifier: 'modelID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'title',
      fields: {
        hexColor: this.hexColor(),
        title: Object.assign(this.stringField('Model'), { required: true }),
        description: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.description'),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
        locales: {
          list: false,
          prefill: [],
        fields: {
          view: 'tags',
          display: (value) => {
            return (value || []).map((field) => field.title).filter((field) => field[0] !== '_');
          prefill: [],
        titleField: {
          view: 'string',
          list: false,
        config: {
          list: false,
          view: 'json',
        hasEntries: {
          immutable: true,
          view: 'boolean',
        hooks: {
          display: (value) => {
            return (value || []).map((hook) => (hook.methods || []).join(', '));
          view: 'tags',
        policies: {
          display: (value) => {
            return (value || []).map((policy) => policy.method);
          view: 'tags',
        sync: {
          list: false,
          view: 'json',
          immutable: true,
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    // ec accounts
    account: {
      identifier: 'accountID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'name',
      defaultFilter: 'email',
      permissions: {
        get: 'acc:list',
        put: 'acc:edit:<accountID>',
      fields: {
        name: this.stringField(this.symbol.resolve('')),
        email: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
        hasPassword: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.password'),
          view: 'boolean',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
          readOnly: true,
        hasPendingEmail: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.hasPendingEmail'),
          view: 'boolean',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
          readOnly: true,
        language: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.language'),
          view: 'string',
          list: false,
        openID: {
          list: false,
        permissions: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.permissions'), false),
        groups: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.groups'),
          type: 'groups',
          input: AdminEntryInputComponent,
          list: false,
          display: (value) => (value ? => : []),
        state: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('account.field.label.state'),
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    dmAccount: {
      identifier: 'accountID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      defaultFilter: 'email',
      label: 'email',
      permissions: {
        get: 'acc:list',
        put: 'acc:edit:<accountID>',
      methods: ['get', 'put', 'delete'],
      fields: {
        accountID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
          view: 'string',
          hideInList: true,
        title: {
          view: 'string',
          label: 'Title',
          filterable: true,
          hideInList: true,
        email: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
          resolve: (body) => || body.accountID,
        hasPassword: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAccount.field.label.hasPassword'),
          view: 'boolean',
          filterable: true,
          readOnly: true,
        pending: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAccount.field.label.pending'),
          view: 'boolean',
          filterable: true,
          readOnly: true,
        oauth: {
          list: false,
    template: {
      identifier: 'templateID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      defaultFilter: 'name',
      label: 'name',
      permissions: {
        post: 'dm-template-create',
        get: 'dm-template:<templateID>:view',
      fields: {
        name: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('template.field.label.template'),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
        version: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('template.field.label.version'),
          display: this.typeConfig.displayDate(),
          group: this.typeConfig.groupDate(),
          form: false,
    app: {
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      label: 'title',
      identifier: 'appID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      permissions: {
        post: 'app-create',
        delete: 'app:<appID>:delete',
        put: 'app:<appID>:edit',
      fields: {
        hexColor: this.hexColor(),
        shortID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.shortID'),
          list: false,
        title: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    platform: {
      identifier: 'platformID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'title',
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      fields: {
        title: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('platform.field.label.platform'),
          view: 'string',
        platformType: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('platform.field.label.platformType'),
          view: 'string',
        config: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'),
          view: 'json',
          list: false,
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    build: {},
    deployment: {},
    asset: {
      // old ec.asset
      identifier: 'assetID',
      label: 'title',
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      fields: {
        thumb: {
          form: false,
          label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.thumb'),
          view: 'preview',
          resolve: (asset) => {
            if (asset.type !== 'image') {
              return '';
            return asset.getImageUrl(200);
          immutable: true,
        assetID: {
          label: 'assetID',
          list: false,
          form: false,
          immutable: true,
        title: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'),
          view: 'string',
          classes: 'is-fit',
          sortable: true,
          filterable: true,
        files: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.files'),
          view: 'tag',
          form: false,
          display: (value) => value.length,
          immutable: true,
        type: {
          filterOperator: 'exact',
          form: false,
          immutable: true,
        tags: {
          // input: TagSelectComponent,
          config: {
            label: 'tag',
            fields: { tag: {} },
          filterOperator: 'any',
          filterable: true,
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    tags: {
      identifier: 'tag',
      label: 'tag',
      defaultFilter: 'tag',
      fields: {
        tag: {
          view: 'string',
          readOnly: true,
          sortable: true,
          filterable: true,
        count: {
          view: 'number',
          readOnly: true,
          create: false,
          sortable: true,
    legacyAsset: {
      // old public assets
      identifier: 'assetID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'title',
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      fields: {
        thumb: {
          form: false,
          label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.thumb'),
          view: 'preview',
          resolve: (asset) => {
            if (asset.type !== 'image') {
              return '';
            return asset.getImageUrl(200);
          immutable: true,
        assetID: {
          label: 'assetID',
          list: false,
          form: false,
          immutable: true,
        title: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'),
          view: 'string',
          sortable: true,
          filterable: true,
        files: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.files'),
          view: 'tag',
          form: false,
          display: (value) => value.length,
          immutable: true,
        type: {
          filterOperator: 'exact',
          form: false,
          immutable: true,

        tags: {
          // input: TagSelectComponent,
          filterOperator: 'any',
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    assetGroup: {
      identifier: 'assetGroupID',
      label: 'assetGroupID',
      defaultFilter: 'assetGroupID',
      fields: {
        assetGroupID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.assetGroupID'),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
        public: {
          view: 'boolean',
          prefill: false,
        settings: {
          view: 'json',
          display: (json) => JSON.stringify(json),
          prefill: {},
          urlExpiration: string
          disabledTypes: Array<string>
          imageSizes: Array<integer>
          thumbSizes: Array<integer>
        policies: {
          view: 'tags',
          display: (policies) => (policies || []).map((p) => p.method),
          prefill: [],
          method: get, put, post, delete
          user: public, dmUser
          conditions: JSON or null (
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    dmAsset: {
      // new assets
      identifier: 'assetID',
      identifierPattern: this.base64uuid(),
      label: 'title',
      defaultFilter: 'title',
      fields: {
        file: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.file'),
          display: (value) => value.url,
          view: 'preview',
          immutable: true,
          form: false,
          list: false,
        thumb: {
          form: false,
          list: true,
          label: this.symbol.resolve('asset.field.label.thumb'),
          view: 'preview',
          resolve: (asset) => {
            if (asset.type !== 'image' || !asset.thumbnails || !asset.thumbnails.length) {
              return '';
            return asset.thumbnails[0].url;
          immutable: true,
        assetID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.assetID'),
          filterOperator: 'exact',
          hideInList: true,
          form: false,
          immutable: true
        title: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.title'),
          view: 'string',
          classes: 'is-fit',
          sortable: true,
          filterable: true,
        caption: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.caption'),
          hideInList: true,
          classes: 'is-fit',
          view: 'string',
        duplicates: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.duplicates'),
          view: 'number',
          list: false,
          form: false,
        thumbnails: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.thumbnails'),
          display: (values) => => value.url),
          list: false,
          form: false,
        type: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('dmAsset.field.label.type'),
          view: 'string',
          filterOperator: 'any',
          hideInList: true,
          classes: 'is-fit',
          immutable: true,
          form: false,
        tags: {
          label: 'tag',
          view: 'tags',
          filterOperator: 'any',
          hideInList: true,
          identifier: 'tag',
          methods: ['get'],
          defaultFilter: '',
          disableHeader: true,
          disableListPop: true,
          disableCreatePop: true,
        created: {
          ...this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
          classes: 'is-fit',
    dmClient: {
      identifier: 'clientID',
      label: 'clientID',
      defaultFilter: 'clientID',
      fields: {
        clientID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.clientID'),
          view: 'string',
        callbackURL: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.callbackURL'),
          view: 'string',
        tokenMethod: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.tokenMethod')),
        disableStrategies: this.tagsField(this.symbol.resolve('client.field.label.disableStrategies')),
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    role: {
      identifier: 'roleID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'name',
      defaultFilter: 'name',
      fields: {
        name: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
          sortable: true,
        label: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.label'),
          view: 'string',
        addRegistered: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('role.field.label.addRegistered'),
          view: 'boolean',
        addUnregistered: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('role.field.label.addUnregistered'),
          view: 'boolean',
    codeSource: {
      identifier: 'codeSourceID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      fields: {
        codeSourceID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
        codeSourceType: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.type'),
          view: 'tag',
        config: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'),
          list: false,
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    dataSource: {
      identifier: 'dataSourceID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      fields: {
        dataSourceID: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    target: {
      identifier: 'targetID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      fields: {
        targetType: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.type'),
          view: 'tag',
        config: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve('field.label.config'),
          list: false,
        created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol),
    group: {
      identifier: 'groupID',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'name',
      defaultFilter: 'name',
      fields: {
        name: {
          label: this.symbol.resolve(''),
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
        permissions: {
          view: 'tags',
          display: (value) => value || [],
          list: false,
        /* created: this.created(this.symbol.resolve('field.label.created'), this.symbol), */
    invite: {
      identifier: 'invite',
      identifierPattern: this.uuid(),
      label: 'invite',
      defaultFilter: 'invite',
      fields: {
        invite: {
          view: 'string',
          filterable: true,
        permissions: {
          view: 'tags',
        groups: {
          view: 'tags',
          display: (group) => (group ? => : []),
    token: {},

  constructor(private symbol: SymbolService, private typeConfig: TypeConfigService) { }
  /** Returns the CrudConfig for the given relation name. */
  get(relationName: string): CrudConfig<Resource> {
    const resolved = relationName.split('.').reduce((position: Object, key) => {
      if (!position) {
      return position[key];
    }, this.config);
    if (!resolved) {
      console.warn(`${relationName} could not be found in the resource-config.
      Use one of ${Object.keys(this.config)}`);
      return {};
    } // TODO enrich fields with type with type-config?
    return resolved;

  set(relationName: string, config: CrudConfig<Resource>): ResourceConfig {
    this._config[relationName] = {
      ...(this._config[relationName] || {}),
    return this;

  /** returns the config for a created field */
  created(label = 'Date', symbol: SymbolService) {
    return {
      sortable: true,
      view: 'date',
      display: this.typeConfig.displayDate(),
      group: this.typeConfig.groupDate(),
      form: false,
      immutable: true,
  /** returns the config for a hexColor field */
  hexColor() {
    return {
      label: '#',
      view: 'color',
      prefill: '#ffffff',
  idField(hideInList = true) {
    return {
      immutable: true,
      filterView: 'string',
      view: 'copy',
      filterable: true,
      filterOperator: 'exact',

  /** returns the config for a tags field */
  tagsField(label, list = true) {
    return {
      view: 'tags',
      display: (value) => value || [],
  /** returns the config for a string field */
  stringField(label, filterable = true, sortable = true) {
    return {
      view: 'string',
  /** returns regex for a shortID */
  shortID(): RegExp {
    return /^[0-9A-Za-z-_]{7,14}$/;
  /** returns regex for a uuid */
  uuid(): RegExp {
    return /^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i;
  /** regex for base64 uuid */
  base64uuid(): RegExp {
    return /^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]{22}$/;

  /** Returns the whole resource-config, which maps a resource relation name to a CrudConfig. */
  get config(): { [key: string]: CrudConfig<Resource> } {
    return this._config;

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""